Featured Buildings
Project Outcomes
Energy Efficient Operations
Energy Efficient Design
Water Use Reduction
Enhanced indoor environmental quality
LEED Certifications
3.309 Million
LEED Certified
sq ft
About Manens-Tifs s.p.a.
Manens-Tifs s.p.a. has been established by integrating two of Italy's leading consulting engineering companies, which have been active in the market for over forty years: Manens Intertecnica and TiFS ingegneria. Manens-Tifs is a consulting company, specialised in the field of engineering and project management for the building sector with special focus... More +
Social Links
CityLife - Torre Libeskind - LEED CS 2009 Gold
awarded on 03/09/2021
CityLife - Torre Hadid - LEED CS 2009 Platinum
awarded on 05/13/2020
Zucchetti Tower - LEED Italia NC 2009 Gold
awarded on 11/12/2018