Grand Valley State University


Building Grand Valley State University

1 Campus Drive, Allendale, MI, USA

Grand Valley State University: Mary Idema Pew Library Learning & Information Commons, GVSU Recreation Center Addition


An Educational Facilities / Public Assembly building with 150,300 square feet. First green activity in 2014.

Activity Why It's Green

This building is green because it has 3 green activities that achieved outcomes of energy efficient design, water use reduction, sustainable site selection and development + 2 more

Green Projects
Gold Certified
Honorable Mention Winner

Awards & Certifications


People/Organizations who worked on this building

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GVSU Recreation Center Addition
registered on 07/09/2015
LEED NC 2009
Grand Valley State University: Mary Idema Pew Library Learning & Information Commons
reported on 06/19/2014
Honorable Mention Winner
Education Design Showcase (2014)